July 25, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Summer Campus Groups and Activities

Why Join Campus Groups in Summer?

  • Build Connections: Joining campus groups helps you meet like-minded people and build lasting friendships. College is not about the grades you make…it’s about the hands you shake.
  • Skill Development: Participate in activities that enhance your skills, whether they’re academic, social, or professional. The summer is a great time to take advantage of free time and pursue skills and knowledge that can fall by the wayside during the busier school year.
  • Stay Engaged: Staying active on campus during summer keeps you engaged and productive. Avoid the summer brain drain (Guys, get off NCAA 25) and keep your finger on the pulse of the school by staying involved over the summer.

Top Campus Groups to Join This Summer

Social Clubs
  • Examples: Social Media Club, Movie Club, Dance Club
  • Benefits: Meet new people, organize events, and enjoy various social activities. Often when we look at resumes we want to see people doing a wide variety of things, not just professional clubs. We want to work with people who are passionate about doing things they love, not just filling up a resume. Social clubs are a great way to do this while building a strong social network that will stick with you long after graduation.
Career Clubs
  • Examples: Pre-Law Society, Business Fraternities, Consulting Clubs
  • Benefits:  The job market is more competitive than ever. Joining a career club is an excellent way to get relevant experience, network, and improve career-related skills. Especially focus on developing connections with some of the older club members. These people will not only have more experience in your desired field, but they will also be the people who can potentially provide valuable recommendations when it’s time to apply for internships and jobs.
Academic Classes or Clubs
  • Examples: Science Club, Literature Society, Debate Team, Hacking Club
  • Benefits: Join a club to further develop those skills I alluded to earlier that you are passionate about and will ultimately set you apart from other generic job applicants down the line. Or take advantage of summer classes which are often available remotely allowing you to maintain a flexible schedule while lightening your load come fall.
Sports and Fitness Groups
  • Examples: Soccer Team, Yoga Class, Hiking Club, IM Basketball
  • Benefits: Stay fit, enjoy outdoor activities, and fire up your competitive spirit. For some people, hitting the squat rack or running 5 miles isn’t exactly exciting. Joining a team or athletic club provides a social experience that allows you to have fun while still avoiding being that guy who comes home for Thanksgiving with a Freshman 15 (or 50).
Volunteer and Service Organizations
  • Examples: Environmental Club, Community Service Group, Animal Rescue Team
  • Benefits: Give back to the community, develop leadership skills, and make a positive impact. College is an incredible time and experience but nearby there are very likely people or kids nearby who aren’t so lucky that could use a positive influence or helping hand. Volunteering is a great way not only to give back but to also meet other down-to-earth people in your community.

Top Activities to Enhance Your Summer Experience

Outdoor Adventures
  • Ideas: Beach trips, hiking expeditions, camping, pool party
  • Benefits: Explore nature, stay active, and bond with friends. Go outside and get some vitamin D. Take advantage of the summer weather before you’re longing for it in December. An outdoor adventure can be whatever you want: a local hike or an inflatable pool from Walmart.
Workshops and Seminars
  • Ideas: Career development workshops, tech seminars, creative writing sessions
  • Benefits: Learn new skills, enhance your resume, and network with professionals. Colleges routinely attract top-caliber speakers; take advantage of this and try to attend at least one lecture relevant to your field of study or interests. One way you can do this is to download DoorList, go to the campus tab, and filter for events with the tag “Speaker” or “Career”


Social Events
  • Ideas: Summer parties, movie nights, cultural festivals
  • Benefits: Enjoy your summer, relax, and meet new people. Take a stroll to go get dinner or burn the midnight oil with a group of friends at a college dive bar. No matter what you choose to do, you can’t go wrong making the most of your 4 years by spending time with friends.

How to Find Campus Groups and Activities

  • DoorList Campus Tab: DoorList just rolled out its new feature allowing you to filter by your interests to find events happening on your campus
  • Check College Websites: Visit your college’s website or student directory to find information about various campus groups and activities.
  • Use Social Media: Follow your college’s social media pages to stay updated on upcoming events and group meetings. Different groups on campus are also likely to have their own accounts where they keep students updated.
  • Attend Orientation Sessions: Participate in summer orientation sessions to learn more about available groups and activities. Despite how boring they are, orientation sessions can set a great foundation for knowing the ins and outs of your school
  • Network with Peers: Most importantly ask friends, classmates, and strangers what they're involved in and what they’d recommend.

Why Some Students Miss Out on Campus Activities (and Why You Shouldn’t)

  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Ironically, many students miss out on campus activities because they fear missing out on other things. Break the cycle and dive into campus life. You’ll create memories that are far more valuable than scrolling through social media.
  • Lack of Information: Some students claim they don’t know what’s available. But in the age of information, ignorance is a choice. Take the initiative to explore the campus tab and get involved.
  • Procrastination: The biggest enemy of college engagement is procrastination. Stop putting it off and start getting involved. The time is now.


Joining campus groups and participating in summer activities can greatly enhance your college experience. From building connections to developing new skills, the opportunities are endless. Use this guide to find the best campus groups and activities for you, and make this summer one to remember!

Are you ready to dive into summer campus activities? Check out DoorList to find things to join at your school! Let us know what we missed or what you recommend in the comments below!

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